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December 09, 2007

cheese, glorious cheese

Since our last post we have been getting the house back in order after the big birthday blowout, finding homes for Audrey's great gifts and holiday shopping. Audrey has been having all kinds of fun playing with (and tasting) her new toys. She rocks her babies in her chair, rides her zebra, matches farm animals, pushes her truck, pops balls and even shares with Natasha.

On Thursday we ate a long lunch with Jamila and Emma from my mom's group. I got the go ahead from the pediatrician on Friday to introduce some dairy back into my diet. Todd worked his research magic and found items for me that are low in lactose and I had cheese today! If all goes well, Audrey will be eating dairy in the next month for the first time. We have started giving her soy milk and she loves it. Tonight she drank two glasses, mostly holding the cup on her own.

Also on Friday, Channamom babysat Audrey so Todd and I could go to his firm holiday party. This was the first time we left her with anyone since June. I was worried about her at bedtime, but she did fine. Thanks Channamom!

Posted by jill at December 9, 2007 09:41 PM


so...should we make you some chai ice cream for christmas???

Posted by: erinn at December 11, 2007 09:05 AM

I'm not eating ice cream yet, maybe in January. I can't wait to be able to try your homemade chai ice cream!

Posted by: Jill at December 11, 2007 11:14 AM

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