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December 29, 2010

twenty-three months

I had decided that December was officially the month that Charlie went insane. We had a really rough patch in the middle of the month with a lot of crying fits and tantrums. Then just as quickly as crazy Charlie appeared, right before christmas, we had our old Charlie back.

Charlie still thinks it is funny to throw food sometimes at meals and is hit or miss on his cooperation with diaper changes, but is more often than not such a sweet little guy.

Trucks, trains and balls still top Charlie's list of favorite things. His talking continues to get better and better and he is stringing words together. We are not sure when this happened, but he no longer will say a long e at the end of words, they all end in a short a sound. He CAN say it, he just won't. This boy has ways of doing things and that is that.

Posted by jill at December 29, 2010 11:01 PM


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