May 01, 2006

Speed's speedy recovery

This may be the last we see of Speed Jaxon for a while. But when he does eventually return, perhaps we'll finally see his adventures begin in Ethiopia...

from March 27, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 09:57 AM | TrackBack

April 19, 2006

As Speed fights for his life...

...the fight against racism rages on. I really like today's strip, makes me wish it had reached an even wider audience back in its day.

from March 20, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 02:48 PM | TrackBack

April 13, 2006

Rising to the surface

Speed is back, but for how long??

from March 13, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 11:16 PM | TrackBack

April 10, 2006

Saving Doc Baker

but will Speed ever get off that sub??

from March 6, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:53 PM | TrackBack

March 29, 2006

Leaving the sub

Things do not look good for our pal Speed!

from February 27, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 11:09 AM | TrackBack

March 27, 2006

Taking the sub!

The events described ala axis propagandists is a nice touch...

from February 20, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 08:49 AM | TrackBack

March 23, 2006

the setting sons

Speed works in another of his one-liners today.

from February 13, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:49 PM | TrackBack

March 22, 2006

The ugly side of war

The "interrogation" takes a turn for the worse...

from February 6, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 11:03 PM | TrackBack

March 20, 2006

The interrogation

Lots of talking in this one...

from January 30, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 11:18 PM | TrackBack

March 16, 2006

A masterpiece of wishful thinking

The "big fella" can take the full force of a huge explosion like it was nothing, but one blow to the head from a hammer and it's lights out...

from January 23, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:08 AM | TrackBack

March 15, 2006

lost at sea, you see

So Speed was close enough to the fuse to attempt stomping it out, yet somehow able to survive the resultant explosion - an explosion large enough to blow the entire ship apart? Without so much as a scratch? And with enough wits about him to pull off a decent one-liner? That's some mighty fine luck, my friend...

from January 16, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:38 AM | TrackBack

March 14, 2006


That's quite an explosive final panel in today's this the end of Speed???

from January 9, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:30 AM | TrackBack

March 13, 2006

Speed Jaxon and the art of the catchphrase

"Man Overboard!" was a good one, Speed. "Here's thud in your eyes," not so much...

from January 2, 1943

Posted by Thrillmer! at 11:08 PM | TrackBack

March 10, 2006

Speed Jaxon travels by rail

That's one way to dispose of a bad guy!

from December 26, 1942

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:00 AM | TrackBack

March 09, 2006

Speed Jaxon!

Speed Jaxon is back! Enjoy.

from December 19, 1942

Posted by Thrillmer! at 11:48 PM | TrackBack

February 24, 2006

Speed Jaxon's reputation

"Feed him some fist, Speed!" Does anything else need to be said?!

from December 12, 1942

Posted by Thrillmer! at 10:19 PM | TrackBack

February 23, 2006

Speed Jaxon vs. the Nazis

No decompression here - this second Speed Jaxon strip covers as much ground in one day as the traditional adventure strip would over several weeks! Does this strip move, or what?!

from December 5, 1942

Posted by Thrillmer! at 12:46 PM | TrackBack

February 22, 2006

Speed Jaxon

This month being Black History Month, I wanted to find a good adventure strip that would help celebrate the occassion. Unfortunately, it's taken me this long to get around to posting - and for that I apologize. If you look at the number of posts I've actually put to the web for February, maybe it won't seem too unforgivable...

At any rate, let me introduce a strip that perhaps many of you have never had the pleasure of reading (it was new to me until I did some digging recently): Speed Jaxon. Speed ran in the Chicago Defender and is signed Pol Curi, which may have been a pen name used by Jay Jackson. Jackson spent a number of years on another Defender strip, Bungleton Green; I plan to be discussing his run on BG over at Barnacle Press any day now (the first Bungleton Green post is already up). Speed Jaxon is a wartime adventurer, good with his fists and good with his brains. This first episode moves along at quite a clip, so hang on to your seat...

from Nov. 28, 1942

Posted by Thrillmer! at 05:19 PM | TrackBack